326.23 Trip permits.
1. The owner of a commercial vehicle which is properly registered and licensed in some other jurisdiction and is to be operated occasionally on highways in this state may, in lieu of payment of the annual registration fee for such vehicle, obtain a trip permit authorizing operation of the vehicle on the highways of this state for a period of not to exceed seventy-two hours. The fee for the trip permit shall be ten dollars.
2. The department may enter into agreements with owners and operators of truck stops to permit the owners and operators of truck stops to issue trip permits subject to any conditions imposed by the department. In addition to the trip permit fee, the owner or operator of a truck stop may charge an issuance fee which shall be disclosed to the purchaser. For the purposes of this section, “truck stop” means any place of business which sells fuel normally used by trucks and which is open twenty-four hours per day.
[C66, §326.7; C71, 73, 75, §326.23, 326.24; C77, 79, 81, §326.23]2002 Acts, ch 1063, §51; 2005 Acts, ch 8, §42
Referred to in §321E.12, 326.2, 805.8A(13)(a)
For applicable scheduled fines, see §805.8A, subsection 13, paragraph a