I. The board is authorized to undertake investigations and disciplinary proceedings upon:
(a) The board’s initiative.
(b) A written complaint made by any person complaining that a registrant has committed an act of misconduct and specifying the nature of the misconduct.
(c) A written complaint made by any person that a person is engaged in unauthorized practice.
(d) Notification by a licensing or certifying agency of this state that a registrant has been disciplined by that agency.
(e) Notification by the regulatory authority of another domestic or foreign jurisdiction that a registrant has been disciplined in that jurisdiction.
(f) A report made pursuant to the obligation to report imposed by this chapter.
II. The board may undertake non-disciplinary remedial proceedings (a) upon its own initiative or (b) upon written complaint of any person which charges that a person registered by the board is afflicted with a condition as set forth in paragraph VI and which specifies the grounds therefor.
III. Every facility administrator, or designee, for any licensed hospital, health clinic, ambulatory surgical center, or other health care facility within the state shall report to the board any disciplinary or action related to disruptive conduct, professional incompetence or violation of an organizational rule or procedure involving controlled substances, or any adverse action which results in the termination of an employment relationship, within 30 days after such action is taken, including situations in which allegations of misconduct are settled by voluntary resignation without adverse action, against a person registered by the board. Disciplinary or adverse action shall include the requirement that a registrant undergo counseling or be subject to any policy with regard to disruptive behavior.
IV. In cases involving imminent danger to life or health, the board may order suspension of a license pending hearing for a period of no more than 120 days. In such cases, the basis for the board’s finding of imminent danger to life or health shall be reduced to writing and combined with a hearing notice which complies with RSA 328-I:11. A licensee may be allowed additional time to prepare for a hearing, but any additional time for preparation shall result in an extension of license suspension commensurate with the additional time extended.
V. The board, after hearing, may take disciplinary action against any person registered by it upon finding that the person:
(a) Has knowingly provided false information during any application for registration or employment, whether by making any affirmative statement which was false at the time it was made or by failing to disclose any fact material to the application.
(b) Is a habitual user of drugs or intoxicants.
(c) Has engaged in dishonest or unprofessional conduct, or has negligently or intentionally injured a patient while practicing as a medical technician or performing such ancillary activities.
(d) Has willfully or repeatedly violated any provision of this chapter or any substantive rule of the board.
(e) Has been convicted of a felony under the laws of the United States or any state.
VI. The board may take non-disciplinary remedial action against any person registered by it upon finding that the person is afflicted with physical or mental disability, disease, disorder, or condition deemed dangerous to the public health. Upon making an affirmative finding, the board, may take non-disciplinary remedial action:
(a) By suspension, limitation, or restriction of a registration for a period of time as determined reasonable by the board.
(b) By revocation of registration.
(c) By requiring the person to submit to the care, treatment, or observation of a physician, counseling service, health care facility, professional assistance program, or any combination thereof which is acceptable to the board.
(d) By requiring the person to practice under the direction of a physician in a public institution, public or private health care program, or private practice for a period of time specified by the board.
VII. The board, upon making an affirmative finding under paragraph V, may take disciplinary action in any one or more of the following ways:
(a) By reprimand.
(b) By suspension, limitation, or restriction of a registration or probation for a period of time as determined reasonable by the board.
(c) By revocation of registration.
(d) By requiring the person to submit to the care, treatment, or observation of a physician, counseling service, health care facility, professional assistance program, or any combination thereof which is acceptable to the board.
(e) By assessing administrative fines in amounts established by the board which shall not exceed $3,000 per offense, or, in the case of continuing offenses, $300 for each day that the violation continues, whichever is greater.
VIII. The board may issue a non-disciplinary confidential letter of concern to a registrant advising that, the board believes the medical technician should modify or eliminate certain practices, and that continuation of the activities which led to the information being submitted to the board may result in action against the registrant’s registration. This letter shall not be released to the public or any other licensing authority, except that the letter may be used as evidence in subsequent disciplinary proceedings by the board.
IX. Disciplinary or non-disciplinary remedial action taken by the board under this section may be appealed to the supreme court under RSA 541.
X. No civil action shall be maintained against the board or any member of the board or its agents or employees with regard to any action or activity taken in the performance of any duty or authority established by this chapter. No civil action shall be maintained against any organization or its members or against any other person for or by reason of any good faith statement, report, communication, or testimony to the board or determination by the board in relation to proceedings under this chapter.
XI. [Repealed.]
XII. Allegations of professional misconduct or other violations of this chapter enforceable by the board shall be brought within 6 years from the time the board could reasonably have discovered the act, omission, or failure complained of, except that conduct which resulted in a criminal conviction or in a disciplinary action by a relevant licensing authority in another jurisdiction may be considered by the board without time limitation in making registration or disciplinary decisions if the conduct would otherwise be a ground for discipline under this chapter. The board may also consider registrant conduct without time limitation when the ultimate issue before the board involves a pattern of conduct or the cumulative effect of conduct which becomes apparent as a result of conduct which has occurred within the 6-year limitation period prescribed by this paragraph.
XIII. When an investigation of a complaint against a registrant is determined to be unfounded, the board shall dismiss the complaint and explain in writing to the complainant and the registrant its reason for dismissing the complaint. The board shall destroy all information collected during the course of the investigation after 6 years. The board shall retain a record only noting that an investigation was conducted and that the board determined the complaint to be unfounded. For the purpose of this paragraph, a complaint shall be deemed to be unfounded if it does not fall within the jurisdiction of the board, does not relate to the actions of the registrant, or is determined by the board to be frivolous.
Source. 2014, 295:1. 2015, 88:6, eff. Jan. 1, 2016. 2021, 197:66, III, eff. July 1, 2021.