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Home » US Law » 2022 Missouri Revised Statutes » Title IV - Executive Branch » Chapter 33 - State Financial Administration » DIVISION OF BUDGET, POWERS AND DUTIES » Section 33.080 – Receipts deposited when, appropriated when — funds lapse when, exceptions, report — violation, a misdemeanor — transfer to rebuild damaged infrastructure fund.

Effective – 05 Jul 2013, 3 histories

*33.080. Receipts deposited when, appropriated when — funds lapse when, exceptions, report — violation, a misdemeanor — transfer to rebuild damaged infrastructure fund. — 1. All fees, funds and moneys from whatsoever source received by any department, board, bureau, commission, institution, official or agency of the state government by virtue of any law or rule or regulation made in accordance with any law, excluding all funds received and disbursed by the state on behalf of counties and cities, towns and villages shall, by the official authorized to receive same, and at stated intervals of not more than thirty days, be placed in the state treasury to the credit of the particular purpose or fund for which collected, and shall be subject to appropriation by the general assembly for the particular purpose or fund for which collected during the biennium in which collected and appropriated. The unexpended balance remaining in all such funds (except such unexpended balance as may remain in any fund authorized, collected and expended by virtue of the provisions of the constitution of this state) shall at the end of the biennium and after all warrants on same have been discharged and the appropriation thereof has lapsed, be transferred and placed to the credit of the general revenue fund of the state by the state treasurer. Any official or any person who shall willfully fail to comply with any of the provisions of this section, and any person who shall willfully violate any provision hereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor; provided, that all such money received by the curators of the University of Missouri except those funds required by law or by instrument granting the same to be paid into the seminary fund of the state, is excepted herefrom, and in the case of other state educational institutions there is excepted herefrom, gifts or trust funds from whatever source; appropriations; gifts or grants from the federal government, private organizations and individuals; funds for or from student activities; farm or housing activities; and other funds from which the whole or some part thereof may be liable to be repaid to the person contributing the same; and hospital fees. All of the above excepted funds shall be reported in detail quarterly to the governor and biennially to the general assembly.

2. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary concerning the transfer of funds, ten million dollars shall be transferred from the insurance dedicated fund established under section 374.150, and placed to the credit of the rebuild damaged infrastructure fund created in section 33.295** on July 1, 2013.


(RSMo 1939 § 13051, A.L. 1945 p. 1977 § 17, A.L. 1959 H.B. 390, A.L. 1999 H.B. 516, A.L. 2003 S.B. 675, A.L. 2006 S.B. 583, A.L. 2013 H.B. 1035 merged with S.B. 23)

Effective 7-05-13 (S.B. 23); 9-11-13 (H.B. 1035)

*H.B. 1035 was vetoed July 12, 2013. The veto was overridden on September 11, 2013.

*Revisor’s Note: Article III, Sections 29 and 32 of the Missouri Constitution, and Sections 1.130 and 21.250, RSMo, do not specifically address the effective date of a section subject to an emergency clause which is overridden by the general assembly.

**Section 33.295 was repealed by S.B. 975 & 1024 Revision, 2018.


State funds, see list in General Index under heading STATE FUNDS