Effective – 28 Aug 2003
33.270. Budget to legislature in printed form — contents. — The budget shall be submitted to the general assembly in printed form. Such budget shall be in two parts:
(1) A budget message outlining the fiscal policy of the state for the biennium and describing the important features of the budget plan; giving a summary of the budget setting forth aggregate figures of proposed revenues and expenditures and the balanced relations between the proposed revenues and expenditures and the total expected income and other means of financing the budget compared with the corresponding figures for the preceding biennium; including explanatory schedules classifying proposed expenditures by organization units, objects and funds; giving estimated statements of assets and liabilities as of the close of the preceding biennium and of the budget biennium; explaining any proposed major increases in revenue from any existing source or any new source of revenue proposed, and giving any further information or making any suggestions;
(2) The detailed budget estimates of revenues and expenditures for each fund as provided for in this act showing the recommendations of the governor on each, compared with the figures for each of the fiscal years of the preceding biennium, including all outcome measures used for each program and fund as compared with the attainment of the established goals and objectives of each program and fund for the past three fiscal years and projected outcome measures for each program and fund for the current fiscal year and the next two fiscal years, the most recent reports done by the state auditor’s office and any evaluations done by the oversight division of the committee on legislative research for each fund and program and giving an explanation of each major change in the recommendations from the revenues and expenditures in the previous biennium.
(RSMo 1939 § 10901, A.L. 1945 p. 1428 § 54, A.L. 2003 S.B. 299 & 40)