Effective – 28 Aug 1987
33.541. Refunding bonds, when, requirements, powers of the board. — 1. The general obligation bonds issued pursuant to Section 37 of Article III of the Missouri Constitution may be refunded in whole or in part, in any of the following circumstances:
(1) When any such bonds are by their terms callable for payment and redemption in advance of their date of maturity and are duly called for payment and redemption; or
(2) When any such bonds are voluntarily surrendered by the holder or holders thereof in exchange for refunding bonds; or
(3) When rates of interest make it favorable to refund any bonds issued, otherwise when the board deems it advisable and in the best interest of the state to refund any bonds.
2. For the purpose of refunding any bonds issued pursuant to Section 37 of Article III of the Missouri Constitution, sections 33.300 to 33.540, and this section, including refunding bonds, the board may:
(1) Make and issue refunding bonds in the amount necessary to pay off and redeem the bonds to be refunded in advance of their maturity or redemption, or as the same mature or are called for redemption, together with unpaid and past due interest thereon and any premium which may be due under the terms of the bonds, together also with the cost of issuing the refunding bonds;
(2) Sell refunding bonds in the manner provided in sections 33.300 to 33.540, for the sale of general obligation bonds;
(3) Use the proceeds from the sale of refunding bonds to pay off, redeem and cancel the old bonds and coupons in advance of their maturity or redemption or as the same mature or are called for redemption, together with the past due interest and the premium, if any, due thereon, or the bonds may be issued and delivered in exchange for a like par value amount of bonds to refund which the refunding bonds were issued. No refunding bonds issued pursuant to Section 37 of Article III of the Missouri Constitution shall be payable in more than twenty-five years from the date thereof or shall bear interest at a rate or rates exceeding the rate permitted by law.
3. Payment of the refunding bonds and the interest thereon shall be secured by a pledge of the full faith, credit and resources of the state of Missouri. Bonds of two or more issues may be refunded by a single issue of refunding bonds.
4. Refunding bonds may be issued by the board pursuant to this section without further authorization of the general assembly. Any refunding bonds issued pursuant to this section shall not create an additional debt or liability for the purpose of calculating the limitation on the amount of bonds which the board may issue imposed by Section 37 of Article III of the Missouri Constitution.
(L. 1986 S.B. 457, et al., A.L. 1987 H.B. 870)