330.17 Airport commission — election.
1. The council of any city or county which owns or acquires an airport may, and upon the council’s receipt of a valid petition as provided in section 362.4, or receipt of a petition by the board of supervisors as provided in section 331.306 shall, at an election held on a date specified in section 39.2, subsection 4, paragraph “a” or “b”, as applicable, submit to the voters the question as to whether the management and control of the airport shall be placed in an airport commission. If a majority of the voters favors placing the management and control of the airport in an airport commission, the commission shall be established as provided in this chapter.
2. The management and control of an airport by an airport commission may be ended in the same manner. If a majority of the voters does not favor continuing the management and control of the airport in an airport commission, the commission shall stand abolished sixty days from and after the date of the election, and the power to maintain and operate the airport shall revert to the city or county.
[C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, S81, §330.17; 81 Acts, ch 117, §1054]91 Acts, ch 129, §24; 2008 Acts, ch 1115, §54, 71
Referred to in §330.4, 330.23, 330.24, 331.381, 331.382