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34-2205. QUALIFICATIONS OF DELEGATES — NOMINATING PETITIONS — DECLARATIONS OF CANDIDATES AND SIGNERS — CERTIFICATION. Candidates for the office of delegate to the convention shall be qualified electors of the state of Idaho. Nomination shall be by petition and not otherwise. A single petition shall nominate but one (1) candidate, who may have one (1) or more separate petitions. Nominations shall be without party or political designation, but the nominating petitions shall each contain a declaration of the candidate that he is a candidate for election to the office of delegate to the constitutional convention, and a statement to the effect that he favors ratification of, or that he is against ratification of the proposed constitutional amendment to be acted upon by the constitutional convention, and the total number of voters joining in the nomination of a candidate shall not be less than one hundred (100).

The candidate’s declaration in the nominating petition shall be in substantially the following form, to-wit:

I, the undersigned, being a qualified elector of …. precinct, …. County, State of Idaho, hereby declare myself to be a candidate for the office of delegate to the constitutional convention, to be voted for at the election to be held on the …. day of …., …., and that I …. (insert one only of the following: "favor ratification of" …. or "am against ratification of") the proposed constitutional amendment to be acted upon by the constitutional convention, and certify that I possess the legal qualifications to fill said office, and that my post-office address is …..

I further certify and declare that if nominated I hereby accept said office.

All blank spaces shall be properly filled in with the necessary information and the declaration of candidacy shall be subscribed and sworn to before an officer authorized to administer oaths, and the signatures of the voters joining in such petitions, each of which signature shall be followed by the signer’s residence address and date, shall be prefaced by a declaration in substantially the following form, to-wit:

I, the undersigned, being a qualified elector of the State of Idaho, do hereby declare that I am in accord with the statement and declaration of …., a candidate for the office of delegate to the constitutional convention, to be voted for at the election to be held on the …. day of …., …., and do hereby join in this petition for his nomination for such office.

Name of Petitioner

Post office

Date of Signing




Each nominating petition shall, at the time of filing in the office of the secretary of state, bear an affidavit in substantially the following form, executed and verified by a citizen and resident of the State of Idaho:–

State of Idaho

      • ss.

County of ….

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am a citizen and resident of the State of Idaho; that each of the petitioners whose name is affixed to the above paper signed the same personally, together with his post-office address and date of signing, and that each signed the same with full knowledge of its contents; that to the best of my knowledge each is a qualified elector of the State of Idaho.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this …. day of …., …..

No voter shall sign more than twenty-one (21) nominating petitions nor more than one (1) petition for the same candidate, and if he does either, his signatures shall not be counted on any nominating petition.

All acceptances and petitions shall be filed with the secretary of state not less than forty-five (45) days before the date fixed for the election. No nomination shall be effective except those of the twenty-one (21) candidates in favor of ratification and the twenty-one (21) candidates against ratification whose nominating petitions have respectively been signed by the largest number of voters, ties, if any, to be decided by lot drawn by the secretary of state; provided, however, that if there be less than twenty-one (21) candidates in favor of ratification, all such candidates shall be considered as nominated, or if there be less than twenty-one (21) candidates against ratification all such candidates shall be considered as nominated.

Within ten (10) days after the petitions are filed with him, the secretary of state shall certify to each county auditor within the state, a certified list of the candidates of each group entitled to be voted for at such election, as appears from the acceptances and nominating petitions filed in the office of the secretary of state.


[34-2205, added 1933, ch. 179, sec. 5, p. 328; am. 2007, ch. 90, sec. 17, p. 254.]