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Home » US Law » 2022 Code of Alabama » Title 34 - Professions and Businesses. » Chapter 39 - Occupational Therapy Practice Act. » Section 34-39-6 – Board of Occupational Therapy Established; Composition; Fund Created.

Section 34-39-6

Board of Occupational Therapy established; composition; fund created.

(a) There is established the Alabama State Board of Occupational Therapy.

(1) The board shall consist of five members, four of whom shall be involved in the practice of occupational therapy, of which one shall be an occupational therapy assistant. The remaining member shall be a member of another health profession or a member of the public with an interest in the rights or the concerns of health services. Each member of the board shall be a citizen of this state. The occupational therapy board members shall be appointed by the Governor from a list submitted by the Alabama Occupational Therapy Association. In appointing members to the board, the association and the Governor, to the extent possible, shall select those persons whose appointments ensure that the membership of the board is inclusive and reflects the racial, gender, geographic, urban/rural, and economic diversity of the state. Those board members who are occupational therapists, of which one shall be a minority, and occupational therapy assistants shall have been engaged in rendering services to the public, teaching, or research in occupational therapy for at least three years, and shall at all times be holders of valid licenses for the practice of occupational therapy in Alabama. Except for the members in the initial board, all members who are occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants shall fulfill the requirements for licensure pursuant to this chapter. Terms of appointment for the initial board members shall be as follows: Two members shall serve a one-year term; two members shall serve a two-year term; and one member shall serve a three-year term.

(2) The board shall, within 90 days after April 17, 1990, be selected as provided in subdivision (1). At the expiration of the initial terms, board members shall be appointed in the same manner as initial appointments, each for a period of three years. No person shall be appointed to serve more than three consecutive terms.

(3) Terms shall begin on the first day of the calendar year and end on the last day of the calendar year, or until successors are appointed, except for the initial members who shall serve through the last calendar day of the year in which they are appointed before the commencement of the terms prescribed by subdivision (1).

(4) Within 45 days after April 17, 1990, and annually thereafter, the association shall submit two or three names for each position on the board to be filled. In the event of a midterm vacancy in one of the positions on the board, the Governor shall appoint a member to fill the unexpired term from a list submitted by the association in the same manner as provided in subdivision (1).

(5) The Governor, after notice and opportunity for hearing by the board, may remove any member of the board for neglect of duty, incompetence, revocation or suspension of the license of the member, or other dishonorable conduct. After removal, the Governor shall appoint a successor to the unexpired term from a list of two or three names submitted by the association.

(6) The board shall elect from its membership a chairperson, a secretary, and a treasurer. A majority of the members of the board shall constitute a quorum. The board shall meet during the first month of the calendar year to select officers. No board member may hold the same position as an officer of the board for more than two consecutive years. At least one additional meeting shall be held before the end of the calendar year. Further meetings may be convened at the call of the chairperson, or on the request of any three board members.

(7) Members may be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred in the performance of their duties in accordance with the laws of the State of Alabama and regulations of the State Personnel Director.

(b) There is established a separate special revenue fund in the State Treasury known as the Alabama State Board of Occupational Therapy Fund. All receipts collected by the board pursuant to this chapter shall be deposited in this fund and used only to carry out the provisions of this chapter. Receipts shall be disbursed only by warrant of the state Comptroller upon the State Treasurer, upon itemized vouchers approved by the chairperson. No funds shall be withdrawn or expended except as budgeted and allotted according to the provisions of Sections 41-4-80 to 41-4-96, inclusive, and Sections 41-19-1 to 41-19-12, inclusive, and only in amounts as stipulated in the general appropriations bill or other appropriation bills.

(Acts 1990, No. 90-383, p. 515, §6; Act 2003-62, p. 96, §3; Act 2011-168, p. 321, §3; Act 2013-309, p. 1041, §1.)