Section 34-7B-10
Suspension or revocation of license or permit; penalties.
(a) The board may suspend or revoke a license or permit based on the provisions of this chapter or board rules, subject to due process of law as described in the Alabama Administrative Procedure Act. The board shall furnish all applicants who are denied licensure a reason for the denial.
(b)(1) The board, for any of the following reasons, may revoke or suspend the license or permit of any applicant, licensee, or holder who:
a. Is found guilty of fraud or dishonest conduct in taking an examination.
b. Has been convicted of a felony or gross immorality, or is guilty of grossly unprofessional or dishonest conduct.
c. Is addicted to the excessive use of intoxicating liquor or to the use of drugs to an extent that he or she is rendered unfit to practice any profession regulated by the board.
d. Advertises by means of knowingly false or deceptive statements.
e. Has practiced fraud or deceit in obtaining or attempting to renew a license or permit.
f. Has permitted his or her license or permit to be used by another person.
g. Has committed an offense in another jurisdiction resulting in revocation, suspension, or voluntary surrender of a license or permit to avoid disciplinary proceedings related to his or her license or permit. This paragraph includes an agreement or stipulation executed by a licensee to avoid formal disciplinary proceedings.
(2) The board may deny the sale or transfer of a school or shop if the owner or operator is the subject of outstanding violations of this chapter or the rules of the board, or both.
(3) The board may not revoke or suspend any license or permit without a hearing. The affected applicant or licensee or holder of a permit shall be given at least 20 days’ notice in writing of the hearing, specifying the reasons for the action by the board and any offense charged. Notice may be served by registered or certified mail to the last known residence or business address of the applicant or licensee or holder of a permit. The hearing shall be held in Montgomery County at a time and place prescribed by the board. Attorney fees, Administrative Law Judge fees, and professional recording fees necessary for hearings shall be borne by defendants who are judged guilty.
(c) In addition to any disciplinary powers authorized by this section, the board may levy and collect an administrative fine of not more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) per violation for serious violations of this chapter or the rules or regulations of the board.
(Act 2013-371, p. 1330, §2.)