Section 34-7B-26
Application and licensure requirements to operate school.
(a) Before being licensed by the board to operate a school, an applicant shall satisfy all of the requirements of this section.
(1) An applicant shall submit to the board all of the following:
a. A bond, in the amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) to protect potential students in the event of closure.
b. Proof of sufficient liability insurance coverage.
c. A current financial statement prepared by a reputable source and, if required by the board, a letter of credit.
d. A list of equipment owned by the school.
e. A sample of student contract agreements and financial forms relating to tuition, grants, and scholarships.
f. Furnish affidavits from an adequate number of prospective students as approved by the board stating their intent to enroll when the school opens.
(2) The applicant, owner, proposed dean, or proper corporate executive may be required to appear before the board.
(3) The applicant shall satisfy the board that the building proposed to house the school is all of the following:
a. In compliance with all state and local zoning, health, and building codes.
b. Clean and well-lighted.
c. Large enough to accommodate the anticipated student body.
d. Completely segregated from any other business.
e. Contains sufficient equipment and supplies for the proper and complete teaching of all subjects in its proposed curriculum.
(b) To maintain current and continuing licensure under this chapter, the school, to the satisfaction of the board, shall do all of the following:
(1) Employ one instructor and one on-call instructor for the first 20 students enrolled and in attendance at the school, and an additional instructor for each additional 20 students enrolled and in attendance at the school.
(2) Have no more than two instructor trainees per each instructor.
(3) Provide that the same person may not serve as the on-call instructor for more than one school.
(4) Maintain daily, monthly, and cumulative records for each student.
(5) Maintain regular classes and instruction hours.
(6) Establish grades and conduct appropriate examinations on a timely basis.
(7) Require a school term of training for a complete course with the minimum number of hours prescribed for each term. Programs reporting by clock hours shall comply with recording rules provided in this subsection and shall also furnish the board with an official transcript for each student within 30 days after the student completes the program or terminates enrollment.
(8) Include practical demonstrations, theoretical studies, and the study of sanitation, sterilization, and other safety measures and the use of antiseptics, cosmetics, and electrical appliances consistent with the practical and theoretical requirements applicable to any of the practices regulated by this chapter which are part of the school’s curriculum.
(c) A school engaged only in the teaching of Class 2 barbers, estheticians, or manicurists is not required to provide instruction in other practices regulated by this chapter. Such a school is required to satisfy all requirements imposed upon a school of cosmetology or a school of barbering relating to instructors, attendance records, enrollment, and other matters.
(d) The sale or transfer of a school is subject to prior approval by the board if the school is to continue in operation after the sale or transfer. The board may deny the sale or transfer of a school if the owner or operator of the school is the subject of outstanding violations of this chapter or the rules of the board, or both.
(Act 2013-371, p. 1330, §2; Act 2015-406, §1.)