Section 34-8B-5
Alabama Board of Court Reporting – Duties.
The board shall have all of the following duties and responsibilities:
(1) Act on matters concerning competency licensure only and the process of granting, suspending, reinstating, and revoking a license.
(2) Establish a procedure for the investigation of complaints against licensed court reporters and for the conduct of hearings in which complaints are heard.
(3) Set a fee schedule for granting licenses and renewals of licenses subject to the Alabama Administrative Procedure Act.
(4) Maintain a current register of licensed court reporters and a current register of temporarily licensed court reporters. Registers shall be matters of public record.
(5) Maintain a complete record of all proceedings of the board.
(6) Adopt continuing education requirements no later than October 1, 2007. Requirements shall be implemented no later than January 1, 2008, and shall include all courses approved by the Alabama State Bar for continuing legal education.
(7) Determine the content of and administer examinations to be given to applicants for licensure as certified court reporters and issue numbered licenses to applicants found qualified.
(8) Maintain records of its proceedings and a register of all persons licensed by the board which shall be a public record and open to inspection.
(Act 2006-200, p. 289, §5; Act 2010-554, p. 1120, §3; Act 2012-493, p. 1438, §1.)