35-7-1302. Donation of game animals.
(a) Any game animal, including any big game animal, elk, deer, mountain sheep, wild goat, antelope, moose or bear, lawfully taken by a licensed hunter may be donated to a nonprofit organization under the provisions of W.S. 35-7-1301 to feed individuals in need.
(b) Any donated big game meat shall be subject to the following:
(i) Come from an animal in apparent good health prior to slaughter;
(ii) Come from an animal with intact intestines;
(iii) Be field-dressed immediately after slaughter and be handled in a manner in keeping with generally accepted wild game handling procedures;
(iv) Be processed as soon as possible after slaughter by a custom meat processor or custom game processor;
(v) Be clearly marked as “not for sale”;
(vi) Be clearly marked as “donated game meat” in letters not less than three-eights (3/8) of an inch in height;
(vii) Shall not come from any road-kill animal and any road-kill animal shall not be eligible for donation under this section.
(c) Any organization receiving donated game meat shall be advised by the donor or meat processor that the meat should be thoroughly cooked prior to human consumption. Prior to serving any donated game meat, the nonprofit organization shall prominently post a sign indicating the meat is donated game meat, the type of meat processing used, and that the meat has not been inspected.
(d) Any game animal in the possession of the Wyoming game and fish department may be donated if the provisions of this section are followed.
(e) No donated game meat shall be bought, sold or offered for sale or barter by any person.
(f) The department of agriculture shall have authority to examine, sample, seize or condemn any donated game meat if the department has reason to believe the meat is unwholesome under the Wyoming Food, Drug and Cosmetic Safety Act, W.S. 35-7-109 et seq.