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§ 36-4-18. Competitive tests.

The competitive tests shall be designed to determine fairly the capacity of the persons examined to perform the duties of the positions in the classes for which the lists are prepared. The competitive tests shall be open to applicants who are residents of the state of Rhode Island; provided, that the personnel administrator may admit to competitive tests for technical, professional, or unusual positions residents of other states. Any resident denied admission to an examination on the grounds of insufficient qualifications as established in the class specifications involved may, within five (5) calendar days of the mailing of the notices, appeal in writing to the administrator of adjudication for a hearing or review of the denial. On the basis of the review or hearing, the administrator of adjudication may direct the personnel administrator to permit the appellant to take the examination. The tests may take into consideration elements of character, education, aptitude, experience, knowledge, skill, personality, physical fitness, professional license, or specialized training, and other pertinent matters, and may be written, oral, physical, or in the form of demonstration of skill, or any combination of these types. Public notice of every test shall be given in the manner prescribed by the personnel rules. Persons having a legitimate and proper interest in examination questions used in connection with any examination shall be freely allowed to inspect the questions, when all phases of the examination in which the questions were used have been completed under such conditions as shall be specified in the personnel rules. The final earned rating of each person competing in any test shall be determined by the weighted average of the earned rating on all phases of the test according to weights for each phase established by the personnel administrator in advance of the giving of the tests and published as part of the announcement of the examination. However, the personnel administrator may discontinue the examination process for any competitor when it has been determined that the required minimum final earned rating cannot be attained. All persons competing in any test shall be given written notice of their standing on any employment list or of their failure to attain a place upon the list. The personnel administrator may as deemed appropriate establish broadband examinations for a wide variety of entry and/or other levels of positions which would not be ranked in the traditional manner. The examinations would be ranked only upon certification to an appropriate vacancy and subject to conditions established in the personnel rules and the provisions of §§ 36-4-4 and 36-4-7 shall not apply to any appointments which are in the unclassified service. When an appropriate vacancy exists, the appointing authority will certify as to the appropriate knowledge, skills, and abilities required for successful performance in a particular position or positions. The personnel administrator will then proceed to rank all eligibles who have qualified and possess the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities.

History of Section.
P.L. 1939, ch. 661, § 11; P.L. 1941, ch. 1050, § 6; P.L. 1950, ch. 2456, § 1; P.L. 1952, ch. 2975, § 13; G.L. 1956, § 36-4-18; P.L. 1968, ch. 141, § 2; P.L. 1981, ch. 335, § 2.