I. The commission may approve, upon the filing of a petition by a gas utility, recovery of costs related to prudent utility procurement of renewable natural gas and any qualified investment, including the use of an associated cost recovery mechanism, if the commission determines that it is in the public interest to do so after notice and hearing pursuant to RSA 541-A.
II. Determination of the public interest under paragraph I shall include consideration of, and each utility filing pursuant to this chapter shall include a detailed description of, the following:
(a) The monetary benefits of the proposal to the utility customers and the state, such as the value of any environmental attributes or carbon offsets, relative to the incremental cost to gas utility customers necessary to achieve those benefits.
(b) The extent to which the proposal advances the objectives of the energy policy of the state under RSA 378:37, the state’s 10-year energy strategy, or other state policy, including enhancing consumer choice and improving gas system resiliency through diversification of supply options.
III. All utilities that elect to purchase renewable natural gas shall conduct a competitive bidding process through requests for proposals (RFPs) for renewable natural gas supply and shall consult with the department of energy on all issues related to RFPs.
IV. In any given year, renewable natural gas shall not exceed 5 percent of a gas utility’s total gas volume delivered. Unless approved by the department of energy, renewable natural gas contracts shall not exceed 15 years.
V. The department of energy, in consultation with the utilities, shall study each utility’s renewable natural gas contracts. Said study shall begin within 3 years of the effective date of this chapter. The study shall include, but not be limited to market terms, price, conditions, availability, service quality, economic benefits to participating and non-participating customers, and job creation as a result from the utility’s use of renewable natural gas. The department of energy shall generate and deliver a report on their findings to the speaker of the house of representatives, the senate president, the house clerk, the senate clerk, and the public utilities commission. The cost of this study shall be funded by a special assessment upon the utility or utilities purchasing renewable natural gas and the commission shall approve the utilities’ recovery of costs related to said study.
VI. Nothing in this chapter shall require a gas utility to initiate a proceeding with the commission pursuant to this chapter, and nothing in this chapter shall relieve the utility from demonstrating the prudence of contracts entered into prior to cost recovery from customers in permanent rates.
Source. 2022, 279:2, eff. June 24, 2022.