In addition to any other type of behavior or activity of a commissioner that is proscribed by RSA 363, a commissioner shall conduct himself and his affairs in accordance with a code of ethics that shall include, but not be limited to, the following elements:
I. Avoidance of impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all his activities;
II. Performance of his duties impartially and diligently;
III. Avoidance of all ex parte communications concerning a case pending before the commission;
IV. Abstention from public comment about a matter pending before the commission and require similar abstention on the part of commission personnel;
V. Require staff and personnel, subject to commission direction, to observe the standards of fidelity and diligence that apply to the commissioners;
VI. Initiate appropriate disciplinary measures against commission personnel for unprofessional conduct;
VII. Disqualify himself from proceedings in which his impartiality might be reasonably questioned;
VIII. Inform himself about his personal and fiduciary interests and make a reasonable effort to inform himself about the personal financial interests of his spouse and minor children;
IX. Regulate his extracurricular activities to minimize the risk of conflict with his official duties;
X. Refrain from solicitation of funds for any political purpose although a commissioner may be listed as an officer, director, trustee of such organizations; and
XI. Refrain from financial or business dealings which would tend to reflect adversely on his impartiality, although he may hold investments which do not come under the purview of his regulatory responsibilities, such as a family business.
Source. 1911, 164:2. 1913, 145:3. PL 237:11. 1935, 115:1. RL 286:11. 1951, 203:10 par. 11. RSA 363:12. 1979, 494:3, eff. Aug. 1, 1979.