A county governing body may make a determination about a vacation of property under ORS 368.326 to 368.366 without complying with ORS 368.346 if the proceedings for vacation were initiated by a petition under ORS 368.341 that indicates the owners’ approval of the proposed vacation and that contains the acknowledged signatures of owners of 100 percent of private property proposed to be vacated and acknowledged signatures of owners of 100 percent of property abutting public property proposed to be vacated and either:
(1) The county road official files with the county governing body a written report that contains the county road official’s assessment that any vacation of public property is in the public interest; or
(2) The planning director of the county files a written report with the county governing body in which the planning director, upon review, finds that an interior lot line vacation affecting private property complies with applicable land use regulations and facilitates development of the property subject to interior lot line vacation. [1981 c.153 §39; 2005 c.762 §1]