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Home » US Law » 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes » Volume : 10 - Highways, Military » Title 31 Highways, Roads, Bridges and Ferries » Chapter 370 - County Road Bonding Act » Section 370.031 – Election procedure to determine issuance of bonds under ORS 370.010.
(1) This section establishes the procedure for determining whether a county shall issue bonds under ORS 370.010. The question shall be decided by election. The county court:

(a) May order the election on its own resolution; or

(b) Shall order the election when a petition is filed as provided in this section.

(2) The requirements for preparing, circulating and filing a petition under this section shall be as provided for an initiative petition in ORS 250.165 to 250.235.

(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2) of this section, if ORS 250.155 makes ORS 250.165 to 250.235 inapplicable to a county, the requirements for preparing, circulating and filing a petition under this section shall be as provided for an initiative petition under the county charter or an ordinance adopted under the county charter.

(4) The order of the county court calling the election:

(a) Shall specify the amount of the bonds proposed to be issued, the length of time they shall run and the maximum rate of interest they shall bear; and

(b) May specify each road within the county to be built or improved by the money raised, the minimum amount to be expended on each road and the location of each road within the county, giving its beginning and terminus.

(5) Not later than the fourth day nor before the 15th day before an election under this section, the county court shall publish a notice of the election in a newspaper or newspapers designated by the county court. The notice shall state the date of the election, a ballot title and the information included in the order under subsection (4) of this section. The notice shall be published in at least one issue of the newspaper or newspapers.

(6) Only one election under this section may be held in a 12-month period. [1983 c.350 §233 (enacted in lieu of 370.030); 2007 c.154 §62]