(1) “Approach road” includes a private road that crosses a state highway or a county road.
(2) “Channelization” means the roadway lane configuration necessary to safely accommodate turning movements from the highway to an intersecting approach.
(3) “District highway” means a state highway that has been classified by the Oregon Transportation Commission as a district highway.
(4) “Expressway” means a state highway that has been designated by the commission as an expressway.
(5) “Interstate highway” means a state highway that has been classified by the commission as an interstate highway.
(6) “Move in the direction of” means a change in an approach to a property abutting the highway that would bring a property closer to conformance with existing highway standards.
(7) “Peak hour” means the hour during which the highest volume of traffic enters and exits the property during a typical week.
(8) “Private approach” means an approach that serves one or more properties and that is not a public approach.
(9) “Private road crossing” means a privately owned road designed for use by trucks that are prohibited by law from using state highways, county roads or other public highways.
(10) “Public approach” means an existing or planned city street or county road connection that provides vehicular access to and from a highway.
(11) “Regional highway” means a state highway that has been classified by the commission as a regional highway.
(12) “Sight distance” means a length of highway that a driver can see with an acceptable level of clarity.
(13) “State highway” means a highway that is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation.
(14) “Statewide highway” means a state highway that has been classified by the commission as a statewide highway.
(15) “Trip” means a one-way vehicular movement that consists of a motor vehicle entering or exiting a property.
(16) “Unincorporated community” means a settlement that is not incorporated as a city and that lies outside the urban growth boundary of any city. [2011 c.330 §2]