In this chapter:
I. "
" means the public utilities commission.
II. "
Bring your own device
" means a program for encouraging non-utility owned, and especially retail-customer owned, behind-the-meter energy storage to provide value to the electricity system, particularly in terms of peak reduction and avoided transmission and distribution costs. Such a program shall provide just and reasonable compensation, as determined by the commission, including actual avoided transmission and distribution costs, to a participating behind-the-meter energy storage system for the value it provides to the electricity system.
III. "
Energy storage
" means batteries, flywheels, compressed air energy systems, sensible heat storage or any other technology, system, or device capable of taking electricity and storing it as some form of energy the technology, system, or device can either convert back into electricity or use to displace an electrical load at a later time. Such term shall include standalone technologies, systems, and devices, as well as those co-located with or incorporated into a renewable energy source.
IV. "
Front-of-meter storage
" means any energy storage that is not behind-the-meter storage and may include energy storage constructed, owned, and/or operated by utilities subject to the same use restrictions in RSA 374-G:4, I.
V. "
ISO-New England
" means the Independent System Operator New England or any successor entity.
VI. "
Local network service
" means the term as defined in ISO-New England’s transmission, markets, and services tariff, section II.
VII. "
" means any entity that is not a utility that develops, builds, owns, operates, or assists in the operation of one or more energy storage projects, including retail customers that buy behind-the-meter storage installed on their property.
Regional network service
" means the term as defined in ISO-New England’s transmission, markets, and services tariff, section II.
IX. "
Renewable energy source
" means a Class I, Class II, or Class IV renewable energy source as defined in RSA 362-F:4.
X. "
" and "
" mean public utilities as defined in RSA 362:2.
XI. "
Wholesale electricity markets
" means any energy, capacity, or ancillary service market that ISO-New England operates or may operate pursuant to RSA 362-A:2-a.
Source. 2021, 228:2, Pt. I, Sec. 1, eff. Oct. 25, 2021.