(1) The Department of Transportation may expend moneys appropriated to the department for the purposes of the screening, relocating, removal or disposal of junkyards as provided in ORS 377.625 to 377.640, except that the department may not use moneys that are subject to the provisions of section 3a, Article IX of the Oregon Constitution. Moneys appropriated for the purposes specified in this subsection may be expended by the department unless and until federal-aid matching funds are appropriated and made available to the state for such similar purposes as provided in section 136, title 23, United States Code.
(2) All money received by the Director of Transportation under ORS 377.505, 377.510, 377.515 and 377.605 to 377.655 shall be credited to the State Highway Fund. [1967 c.590 §§10,11; 1983 c.338 §924; 1993 c.741 §52; 2001 c.750 §1]