Effective – 28 Aug 1939
379.530. Special meeting to be called — notice. — After drafting the proposed articles of association, it shall be the duty of the directors of said company to call a special meeting, if a stock company, of its stockholders; if a mutual company, of its policyholders; or if a stock and mutual company, of its stockholders and its policyholders in the mutual department, by a notice, which shall be published at least once a week in some newspaper of general circulation in the city, county or town in which said company is located, the first insertion to be not less than sixty days, the last to be not less than one nor more than six days, previous to the day on which such meeting shall be held, but if there be no newspaper published therein, then in some newspaper published in the next nearest county, and by posting up a handbill in the office of said company; said notice shall state the time and place of the meeting and the objects thereof, and shall further state where a draft of the proposed articles of association can be seen and examined.
(RSMo 1939 § 5993)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 5882; 1919 § 6292