Section 38-1-1
As used in this title, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section:
(1) DEPARTMENT or STATE DEPARTMENT. The State Department of Human Resources.
(2) BOARD or STATE BOARD. The State Board of Human Resources.
(3) COMMISSIONER. The Commissioner of the State Department of Human Resources.
(4) COUNTY DEPARTMENT. The department of human resources in each of the 67 counties.
(5) COUNTY BOARD. The county board of human resources.
(6) COUNTY DIRECTOR. The director of each county department of human resources.
(7) BLIND ASSISTANCE. Money payments with respect to needy blind persons.
(8) OLD AGE PENSIONS. Money payments with respect to a needy person who has attained the age of 65 years and who has complied with the requirements of this title. Whenever the term “old age assistance” is used in the laws of this state, such term shall mean “old age pensions.”
(9) DEPENDENT CHILD. Any needy child coming within the definition of “dependent child” as defined in the Federal Social Security Act or amendments thereto.
(10) AID TO DEPENDENT CHILDREN. Such term shall have the same meaning as “aid to dependent children” as defined by the Federal Social Security Act or amendments thereto.
(11) AID TO THE PERMANENTLY AND TOTALLY DISABLED. Money payments with respect to a person 18 years of age or older who is permanently and totally disabled.
(12) CASE RECORD MATERIAL. The entire case record file pertaining to inquiries about, applicants for, or recipients of public assistance, including but not limited to, applications, narratives, budgets, face sheets, correspondence, authorizations of assistance, change of status forms, financial and statistical record cards and such other material or forms as have been used from time to time.
(Acts 1951, No. 703, p. 1211, §1; Acts 1955, No. 341, p. 763, §6; Acts 1961, No. 91, p. 105, §1.)