Section 38-9D-3
Alabama Interagency Council for the Prevention of Elder Abuse.
There is created the Alabama Interagency Council for the Prevention of Elder Abuse. The members of the council shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) The chief executive officer, or his or her designee, of each of the following participating agencies and organizations:
a. The Alabama 911 Network.
b. The Administrative Office of Courts.
c. The Attorney General.
d. The Banking Department.
e. The Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
f. The Crime Victims Compensation Commission.
g. The Department of Forensic Sciences.
h. The Department of Human Resources.
i. The Department of Insurance.
j. The Department of Mental Health.
k. The Department of Public Health.
l. The Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency.
m. The Department of Senior Services.
n. The Department of Veterans Affairs.
o. The Governor’s Office of Faith Based Initiatives and Community Service.
p. The Medicaid Agency.
q. The Office of Prosecution Services.
r. The Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission.
s. The Probate Judges Association.
t. The Securities Commission.
u. The Sheriffs Association.
v. The State Bar Association.
w. AARP Alabama.
x. The Association of Area Agencies on Aging.
y. The Criminal Justice Information System.
z. The Nursing Home Association.
aa. The Alabama Silver-Haired Legislature.
(2) The membership of the council shall be inclusive and reflect the racial, gender, geographic, urban/rural, and economic diversity of the state.
(3) The chief executive officers of state agencies serving on the council shall serve ex officio.
(4) The council shall meet at the call of the chair and the meetings shall be open to the public.
(5) No member of the council shall cast a vote on any matter which would provide direct financial benefit to that member or otherwise give the appearance of a conflict of interest under state law.
(6) The Commissioner of the Department of Senior Services shall serve as the chair of the council.
(Act 2012-495, p. 1448, §3; Act 2015-94, §3.)