380.7 City clerk.
The city clerk shall:
1. Promptly record each measure.
2. Record a statement with the measure, where applicable, indicating whether the mayor signed, vetoed, or took no action on the measure, and whether the measure was repassed after the mayor’s veto.
3. Publish a summary of all ordinances or the complete text of ordinances and amendments in the manner provided in section 362.3. As used in this subsection, “summary” shall mean a narrative description of the terms and conditions of an ordinance setting forth the main points of the ordinance in a manner calculated to inform the public in a clear and understandable manner the meaning of the ordinance and which shall provide the public with sufficient notice to conform to the desired conduct required by the ordinance. The description shall include the title of the ordinance, an accurate and intelligible abstract or synopsis of the essential elements of the ordinance, a statement that the description is a summary, the location and the normal business hours of the office where the ordinance may be inspected, when the ordinance becomes effective, and the full text of any provisions imposing fines, penalties, forfeitures, fees, or taxes. Legal descriptions of property set forth in ordinances shall be described in full, provided that maps or charts may be substituted for legal descriptions when they contain sufficient detail to clearly define the area with which the ordinance is concerned. The narrative description shall be written in a clear and coherent manner and shall, to the extent possible, avoid the use of technical or legal terms not generally familiar to the public. When necessary to use technical or legal terms not generally familiar to the public, the narrative description shall include definitions of those terms.
4. Authenticate all measures except motions with the clerk’s signature and certification as to time and manner of publication, if any. The clerk’s certification is presumptive evidence of the facts stated therein.
5. Maintain for public use copies of all effective ordinances and codes.
[R60, §1133; C73, §492; C97, §686, 687; C24, 27, 31, 35, §5719 – 5721, 5721-a1; C39, §5719 – 5721, 5721.1; C46, 50, §366.6 – 366.9; C54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, §366.6, 366.7; C75, 77, 79, 81, §380.7]96 Acts, ch 1098, §2; 97 Acts, ch 168, §8
Referred to in §380.6