When the governor signs an enrolled bill to finally enact it into law as provided by the constitution, the governor shall note on the enrolled bill the date and time of day of signing. The governor shall then file the bill with the secretary of state.
When the governor vetoes a bill, the governor shall file a notice with the secretary of state indicating the chapter number of the vetoed bill.
When the governor neither signs nor vetoes a bill and legislative adjournment does not prevent its return, then the governor shall file the bill with the secretary of state with a notice that the governor is allowing the bill to become law without the governor’s signature. If legislative adjournment does prevent its return, then the governor shall file a notice with the secretary of state indicating that the bill has been pocket vetoed. The notice must identify the enrolled bill by chapter number. The bill itself must be retained in the records of the governor’s office.
1988 c 479 s 4