Subdivision 1. Applicability. A written statement or order executed by the governor pursuant to constitutional or statutory authority and denominated as an executive order, or a statement or order of the governor required by law to be in the form of an executive order, shall be uniform in format, shall be numbered consecutively, and shall be effective and expire as provided in this section. Executive orders creating agencies shall be consistent with the provisions of this section and section 15.0593.
Subd. 2. Effective date. An executive order issued pursuant to sections 12.31 to 12.32 or any other emergency executive order issued to protect a person from an imminent threat to health and safety shall be effective immediately and shall be filed with the secretary of state and published in the state register as soon as possible after its issuance. Emergency executive orders shall be identified as such in the order. Any other executive order shall be effective upon 15 days after its publication in the state register and filing with the secretary of state. The governor shall submit a copy of the executive order to the commissioner of administration to facilitate publication in the State Register.
Subd. 3. Expiration date. Unless an earlier date is specified by statute or by executive order, an executive order shall expire 90 days after the date that the governor who issued the order leaves office.
1977 c 305 s 2; 1986 c 444; 2007 c 148 art 2 s 3