63G-4-404. Judicial review — Type of relief.
- (1)
- (a) In either the review of informal adjudicative proceedings by the district court or the review of formal adjudicative proceedings by an appellate court, the court may award damages or compensation only to the extent expressly authorized by statute.
- (b) In granting relief, the court may:
- (i) order agency action required by law;
- (ii) order the agency to exercise its discretion as required by law;
- (iii) set aside or modify agency action;
- (iv) enjoin or stay the effective date of agency action; or
- (v) remand the matter to the agency for further proceedings.
- (2) Decisions on petitions for judicial review of final agency action are reviewable by a higher court, if authorized by statute.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session