Section 41-23-51
Regional Revolving Loan Policy Committee; duties; membership; length of terms; meetings.
The moneys appropriated to the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs under the provisions of Section 41-23-50 shall be used to create and establish economic development revolving loan funds throughout this state, pursuant to rules hereunder and approved by the Regional Revolving Loan Policy Committee. This committee shall be established for purposes of reviewing and approving policies and procedures, and to provide general oversight for this program. This committee shall be composed of the following members: the Director of the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, the Director of the Alabama Department of Commerce, two members of the Senate appointed by the Lieutenant Governor, the Chairperson of the Senate Economic Affairs Committee, two members of the House appointed by the Speaker of the House, the Chairperson of the House Commerce and Industrial Development Committee, and four members appointed by the Governor. The executive directors from the regional planning commissions shall serve as ex officio, nonvoting members of the Regional Revolving Loan Policy Committee. The terms of the legislative members and the Alabama Department of Commerce Secretary and the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs Director shall run concurrent with the four-year term of the Governor. The initial members appointed by the Governor shall serve staggered terms of one, two, three, and four years. The length of the terms for the Governor’s appointees, except for the original appointees, shall be four years. Vacancies shall be filled by the same method of appointment. The Director of the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs shall call an organizational meeting for such committee no later than 30 days after April 25, 1990. At such meeting, such committee shall select from its membership a chairperson and a vice-chairperson. Thereafter, such committee shall likewise reorganize itself at its first meeting of each new legislative quadrennium. Such committee shall meet at least four times per year on call of its chairperson. All members of the Regional Revolving Loan Policy Committee shall serve without compensation except legislative members who shall be entitled to their regular legislative compensation for attendance in committee meetings. The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs shall promulgate and implement administrative rules, regulations, and procedures for the allocation of the appropriated General Fund moneys.
(Acts 1990, No. 90-650, p. 1245, §2.)