41-3-802. Election of board of directors; number; term; quorum; bond; powers and duties generally; election of officers.
(a) If the formation of the district is approved the board of county commissioners shall enter a finding to that effect upon its records after which the district shall be considered to be established and shall be empowered through its governing board of directors to acquire personal property and equipment for control purposes by gift, devise, bequest, donation, or purchase and to enter into contracts for the acquisition by purchase or lease, or otherwise, of personal property and equipment; to convey, lease and otherwise dispose of its property for flood control purposes and to establish sinking funds for the replacement of worn out or obsolete equipment; and upon the vote of a majority of the voters of the district voting at an election held as provided by W.S. 22-21-101 through 22-21-112, the district shall be empowered to issue bonds for the purpose of purchasing equipment and supplies and for the operational expense of the district.
(b) A district established under this act shall acquire and hold property in the name of “…. Flood Control District of …. County”, state of Wyoming, and the name and a record thereof shall be entered upon the board of county commissioners’ records of said county of the establishment of said district, such name to be selected by the board of directors of the district, and said district as established shall have power to sue and be sued by such name.
(c) The election of officers shall be held at the same time as the election for formation of the district. At the election a board of six (6) directors shall be elected by written ballot, who shall serve without compensation to govern the affairs of the district until the first subsequent director election pursuant to W.S. 22-29-112. At that election two (2) members of the board shall be elected for one (1) year, two (2) for two (2) years, and two (2) for three (3) years, so that each succeeding year the term of two (2) members will expire and two (2) members will be elected for a three (3) year term. Each year the board shall elect one (1) of its members secretary-treasurer. Before the secretary-treasurer enters on the discharge of his duties, he shall execute to the state of Wyoming, a bond with an approved corporate surety or three (3) or more sufficient sureties, to be approved by the district board of directors and in such penal sum as they may direct, which bond with the approval of the board endorsed thereon by their president, shall be filed in the office of the county clerk. It is further directed that four (4) members of this board shall constitute a quorum and that no business shall transpire without a quorum in attendance. Any expenditure of funds shall be made only by signed vouchers bearing the signatures of both president and secretary-treasurer.
(d) At least thirty (30) days prior to the time for annual levy of general taxes by the board of county commissioners of the county wherein any such district is situated, the board of directors of such district shall certify to the board of county commissioners the amount of special mill levy, provided for in W.S. 41-3-803, which said district board considers necessary for district operations during the following year.