Effective – 01 Mar 2011, 2 histories
442.010. Definitions. — When used in this chapter unless otherwise apparent from the context:
(1) The term “adult” shall be construed as meaning any person who is eighteen years of age or older;
(2) The term “minor” shall be construed as meaning any person who is less than eighteen years of age;
(3) The term “real estate” shall be construed as coextensive in meaning with lands, tenements and hereditaments, and as embracing all chattels real and as including a manufactured home as defined in section 700.010, which is real estate as defined in subsection 7 of section 442.015.
(RSMo 1939 § 3439, A.L. 1974 2d Ex. Sess. S.B. 2, A.L. 2010 S.B. 630)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 3052; 1919 § 2211; 1909 § 2822
Effective 3-01-11