Section 45-51-234
Pistol permit fee; Sheriff’s Fund.
(a) In Montgomery County the fee for issuance of a pistol permit to carry a pistol in a vehicle or concealed on or about the person as provided in Section 13A-11-75 shall be twenty dollars ($20), which shall be collected by the sheriff or his or her appointed agent.
(b)(1) Any and all monies collected under subsection (a) shall be deposited in the county treasury.
(2) The treasurer or other custodian of county funds shall pay fourteen dollars ($14) of the fee into a fund known as the Sheriff’s Fund, established in subsection (c).
(3) The treasurer or other custodian of county funds shall pay four dollars ($4) of the fee to be credited to the county portion of contribution for all county employees under any retirement plan in effect in Montgomery County.
(4) The treasurer or other custodian of county funds shall pay two dollars ($2) of the fee into the General Fund of Montgomery County.
(c)(1) A fund which shall be known as the Sheriff’s Fund is established, to be expended by the sheriff or his or her appointed agent, in law enforcement work as provided in subdivision (2).
(2) The sheriff or his or her appointed agent is authorized and empowered to make requisition to the county treasurer or other custodian of county funds on the Sheriff’s Fund for the payment of any and all expenses for the betterment of law enforcement in the public’s interest and in the proper discharge and the conduct of the duties of the sheriff’s office in Montgomery. The county treasurer or other custodian of county funds shall immediately pay out such funds upon requisition by the sheriff or his or her appointed agent.
(3) The establishment of the Sheriff’s Fund as provided in this section, and the use of such funds, shall in no way diminish or take the place of any other imbursement or source of income established for the sheriff in the operation of his or her office.
(Act 93-701, p. 1344, §§ 1-3.)