The supreme court shall provide a law library, which shall consist of the books and related materials, equipment, and furniture now in the law library at the supreme court building, with such additions as may be made thereto, for the use of the supreme court and other members of the judiciary, the attorney general, members of the legislature, officials of state government, the legal profession of New Hampshire, and the people of the state agreeing to the rules established by the supreme court. In addition to the other powers, duties and responsibilities provided by law, the supreme court may:
I. Make all necessary rules and regulations for the proper control and use of the law library;
II. Receive and accept at any time such sums of money as may be donated for the purpose of purchasing books or other supplies, equipment, or facilities for the law library, to be held by the state treasurer from which payments shall be made in accordance with the stipulations of the donor, upon approval by the supreme court; and money so received shall be converted into a continuous fund or funds which shall not lapse;
III. Receive and accept at any time funds from the sale or exchange of books, pamphlets, maps, manuscripts, and other related material, or from the sale of data base services, barcodes, cataloging records, magnetic tapes, laser discs, video tapes, or related or similar material, or from fees and fines as established by the law library and approved by the supreme court. Any funds accruing to the law library from such sources and as provided under RSA 490:24, I; RSA 490-D:12, II; RSA 499:18, II; RSA 502-A:28, II; and RSA 547:27-c, II shall be paid into the state treasury and held in a continually appropriated fund which shall not lapse for the use of the law library upon approval by the supreme court;
IV. Enter into any agreement or compact with any other state or states, with the United States, and with library trustees, law schools and other agencies, public and private, for the purpose of improving law library facilities and services on the basis of mutual advantages and thereby providing more efficient or economical law library service and for the purpose of facilitating the use of law materials;
V. Receive, accept and administer any money granted by the federal government or other agencies, private or otherwise, for providing, equalizing, or strengthening a law library service in New Hampshire, including computerization of its services. Any gift or grant from the federal government or other source as hereinbefore provided shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to a special fund which shall be continually appropriated and shall not lapse.
Source. 1979, 391:1. 1994, 7:4. 2008, 92:2. 2009, 273:2, eff. July 31, 2009 at 12:01 a.m. 2011, 88:24, eff. July 1, 2011.