When a bill is filed under the provisions of RSA 498:8, the plaintiff may cause a certified copy thereof, and of the order issued thereon, to be filed in the office of the secretary of state, and such filing and the service of the bill upon such defendant shall constitute a lien, as against him and others having after-acquired rights, upon the personal estate, property, interest, right or credit to which the bill relates, or which may be discovered by the proceedings, for the performance of any decree or order relative thereto, in favor of the plaintiff against the defendant. The fees payable for filing a lien under this or the succeeding section shall be in accordance with RSA 478:17-g.
Source. 1865, 4088:1. 1866, 4227:2. GS 190:5. GL 209:5. PS 205:9. 1913, 109:1. PL 317:13. RL 371:14. 2001, 102:46, eff. July 1, 2001.