Except as provided in sections 501C.1109 and 501C.1110, if part of the principal consists of property subject to depletion, including leaseholds, patents, copyrights, royalty rights, rights to receive payments on a contract for deferred compensation, qualified and nonqualified employer retirement plans, individual retirement accounts, and annuities, the receipts from the property must be allocated in accordance with what is reasonable and equitable in view of the interests of those entitled to income as well as of those entitled to principal. The trustee may determine the allocation based on a fixed percentage of each payment, an amortization of the inventory value of the series of payments, or, if the individual retirement account, pension, profit-sharing, stock-bonus, or stock-ownership plan consists of segregated and identifiable assets, the trustee may apply the provisions of sections 501C.1101 to 501C.1118 to the receipts in the account or plan in order to characterize the payments received during a trust accounting period. To the extent that a payment is characterized by the payer as interest or a dividend or a payment made in lieu of interest or a dividend, a trustee shall allocate it to income. The amount allocated to principal is presumed to be reasonable and equitable if it is neither substantially more nor less than the amount allowable as a deduction for depletion, amortization, depreciation, or similar costs under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
2015 c 5 art 11 s 11