Effective: May 14, 2008
Latest Legislation: House Bill 214 – 127th General Assembly
A public children services agency, private child placing agency, or private noncustodial agency acting as a recommending agency for a foster caregiver shall reimburse the foster caregiver in a lump sum for attending a preplacement training program operated under section 5103.034 or 5103.30 of the Revised Code and shall reimburse the foster caregiver a stipend for attending a continuing training program operated under section 5103.034 or 5103.30 of the Revised Code. The amount of the lump sum reimbursement and the stipend rate shall be established by the department of job and family services and shall be the same regardless of the type of recommending agency from which the foster caregiver seeks a recommendation. The department shall, pursuant to rules adopted under section 5103.0316 of the Revised Code, reimburse the recommending agency for stipend reimbursements it makes in accordance with this section. The department shall adopt rules under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code regarding the release of lump sum stipends to an individual for attending a preplacement training program.