Effective: August 14, 2008
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 163 – 127th General Assembly
(A) A recommending agency may recommend that the department of job and family services not renew a foster home certificate under section 5103.03 of the Revised Code if the foster caregiver refused to accept the placement of any children into the foster home during the current certification period. Based on the agency’s recommendation, the department may refuse to renew a foster home certificate.
(B) The department of job and family services may revoke the certification of any foster caregiver who has not cared for one or more foster children in the foster caregiver’s home within the preceding twelve months. Prior to the revocation of any certification pursuant to this division, the recommending agency shall have the opportunity to provide good cause for the department to continue the certification and not revoke the certification. If the department decides to revoke the certification, the department shall notify the recommending agency that the certification will be revoked.