Effective: April 12, 2021
Latest Legislation: House Bill 442 – 133rd General Assembly
A county department of job and family services may contract with the chief administrator of a nonpublic school or with any school district board of education that has adopted a resolution under section 3319.089 of the Revised Code to provide for a participant of the work experience program who has a minor child enrolled in the nonpublic school or a public school in the district to be assigned under the work experience program to volunteer or work for compensation at the school in which the child is enrolled. Unless it is not possible or practical, a contract shall provide for a participant to volunteer or work at the school as a classroom aide. If that is impossible or impractical, the contract may provide for the participant to volunteer to work in another position at the school. A contract may provide for the nonpublic school or board of education to receive funding to pay for coordinating, training, and supervising participants volunteering or working in schools.
A participant volunteering or working as a classroom aide under this section shall not be considered an employee of a political subdivision for purposes of Chapter 2744. of the Revised Code and is not entitled to any immunity or defense available under that chapter, the common law of this state, or section 9.86 of the Revised Code.
An assignment under this section shall include attending academic home enrichment classes that provide instruction for parents in creating a home environment that prepares and enables children to learn at school.