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Effective: August 3, 2021

Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 2 – 134th General Assembly

A patient admitted under section 5122.02 of the Revised Code who requests release in writing, or whose release is requested in writing by the patient’s counsel, legal guardian, parent, spouse, or adult next of kin shall be released forthwith, except when any of the following is the case:

(A) The patient was admitted on the patient’s own application and the request for release is made by a person other than the patient, release may be conditional upon the agreement of the patient.

(B) The patient was, within the past twelve months, a defendant described in division (B)(1)(a)(v)(I) of section 2945.38 of the Revised Code and the chief clinical officer of the hospital decides not to file or cause to be filed an affidavit under section 5122.11 of the Revised Code as described in division (C) of this section. In that circumstance, the chief clinical officer shall immediately notify the trial court or prosecutor described in division (B)(1)(a)(v)(I) of section 2945.38 of the Revised Code of the chief clinical officer’s decision and intent to release the patient. Not later than three court days after being notified of the intent to release, the trial court or prosecutor may file or cause to be filed with the court of the county where the patient is hospitalized, or the court of the county where the patient resides, an affidavit under section 5122.11 of the Revised Code. If such an affidavit is filed, the patient’s release must be postponed until a hearing under section 5122.141 of the Revised Code is held.

(C) The chief clinical officer of the hospital, within three court days from the receipt of the request for release, files or causes to be filed with the court of the county where the patient is hospitalized or of the county where the patient is a resident, an affidavit under section 5122.11 of the Revised Code. Release may be postponed until the hearing held under section 5122.141 of the Revised Code. A telephone communication within three court days from the receipt of the request for release from the chief clinical officer to the court, indicating that the required affidavit has been mailed, is sufficient compliance with the time limit for filing such affidavit.

Unless the patient is released within three days from the receipt of the request by the chief clinical officer, the request shall serve as a request for an initial hearing under section 5122.141 of the Revised Code. If the court finds that the patient is a mentally ill person subject to court order, all provisions of this chapter with respect to involuntary hospitalization apply to such person.

Judicial proceedings for hospitalization shall not be commenced with respect to a voluntary patient except pursuant to this section.

Sections 5121.30 to 5121.56 of the Revised Code apply to persons received in a hospital operated by the department of mental health and addiction services on a voluntary application.

The chief clinical officer of the hospital shall provide reasonable means and arrangements for informing patients of their rights to release as provided in this section and for assisting them in making and presenting requests for release or for a hearing under section 5122.141 of the Revised Code.

Before a patient is released from a public hospital, the chief clinical officer shall, when possible, notify the board of the patient’s county of residence of the patient’s pending release after the chief clinical officer has informed the patient that the board will be so notified.

Last updated May 19, 2021 at 11:41 AM