Effective: November 15, 1991
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 233 – 119th General Assembly
A joint township district hospital board may, in lieu of proceeding to establish, construct, and maintain a joint township hospital, enter into an agreement with a county hospital commission which has constructed or is in the process of constructing general hospital facilities pursuant to section 339.14 of the Revised Code, for participation by the joint township hospital district in the construction, enlargement, equipment, maintenance, and operation of such hospital facilities. Such agreement may provide for the amount to be contributed by the district for such construction, enlargement, equipment, maintenance, and operation, the rights and privileges to be enjoyed by the district and its inhabitants by virtue of such contribution, the rights of representation by the district on the county hospital commission, and payment to the participating joint township hospital district of a portion of rentals or other revenue received by the county hospital commission pursuant to leases made under section 339.14 of the Revised Code. Any vacancy on the county hospital commission representing an appointee of the joint township district hospital board shall be filled by the board.
The agreement may provide that if the lease is terminated and control and management of the hospital facilities revert to the county under division (I) of section 339.14 of the Revised Code, the district may participate in the maintenance and operation of the hospital facilities under county management, or may provide that, if the lease is terminated and control and management revert to the county, the county hospital commission shall pay to the joint township hospital district an amount equal to the district’s contribution. The contribution of funds to the county hospital commission shall, in the event of the sale of hospital facilities pursuant to division (B) of section 339.14 of the Revised Code, be treated as part of the actual cost to the county of the hospital facilities so sold, and the agreement shall provide for the payment to the joint township hospital district of that portion of the proceeds from the sale of such hospital facilities attributable to the district’s contribution.
If, under such agreement, the joint township hospital district is obligated to contribute a sum for the construction, enlargement, and equipment of hospital facilities by the county hospital commission, the joint township district hospital board shall submit to the electors of such district, voting as a subdivision, the question of the issue of bonds of such district in the amount necessary to provide such sum. The proceedings in the matter of such election and in the issuance and sale of such bonds shall conform to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code. The aggregate net indebtedness created or incurred by a joint township hospital district for the purposes of this section shall not exceed three per cent of the total district tax valuation. Funds contributed by the joint township hospital district for the construction, enlargement, and equipment of hospital facilities shall be deposited in the county hospital facility fund created by division (G) of section 339.14 of the Revised Code.
A joint township district hospital board which participates in the maintenance and operation of hospital facilities administered, maintained, and operated by a lessee corporation or by the county under section 339.14 of the Revised Code, may submit to the electors of the district, the question of a tax levy, not to exceed one mill on each dollar of the taxable property of the district and if the levy is approved, may make payments from receipts from such tax levy as compensation for the use and maintenance of such hospital facilities. If the hospital facilities are operated by a lessee corporation, such compensation shall be paid to the corporation, and if the facilities are operated by the county, such compensation shall be paid to the hospital operating fund.