Effective: April 9, 1982
Latest Legislation: House Bill 654 – 113th General Assembly
The department of rehabilitation and correction may, in accordance with rules adopted pursuant to division (B) of section 5145.03 of the Revised Code, employ a portion of the prisoners in the manufacture of articles that are used by the state, any other state, any political subdivision or institution of this state, any other state, or the United States, or private persons. The department may procure machinery and prepare shop room for that purpose. The department may employ a portion of the prisoners in the preparation and manufacture of any or all forms of road-making material for use in the construction, improvement, maintenance, and repair of highways, roads, or streets.
For these purposes the department may, with the approval of the governor, purchase the necessary land, quarries, buildings, machinery, and erect buildings and shops for these purposes, and employ any persons necessary to instruct the prisoners in such manufacture. The terms and manner of employment of the persons who instruct the prisoners shall be fixed and determined by the department.