Effective: June 19, 1978
Latest Legislation: House Bill 398 – 112th General Assembly
(A) A prisoner participating in a work-release program shall surrender his earnings, less standard payroll deductions required by law, to a person designated by the court which has established the work-release program.
(B) The person designated by the court to collect the earnings of the prisoner shall maintain complete and accurate records as to all prisoners employed in a work-release program with respect to all moneys received and disbursed. Each prisoner shall be furnished a written statement of his account at least every sixty days.
(C) The earnings of the prisoner participating in a work- release program shall be disbursed in the following order:
(1) Reimbursement of the county or city for the direct costs of administering the program and the cost of boarding the prisoner in accordance with division (D) of this section;
(2) Support of the prisoner’s dependents as ordered by the sentencing judge;
(3) Necessary travel expenses to and from work and other expenses incidental to employment;
(4) Payment of fines, court costs, and debts acknowledged by the prisoner in writing subsequent to his sentencing or which have resulted in garnishment or other attachment of personal earnings;
(5) The balance to the prisoner upon discharge from the sentence.
(D) The court may establish rules to determine the amount of the payments that are required to be made under division (C) (1) of this section from a prisoner’s earnings to reimburse the county or city for the costs of boarding the prisoner while on the work-release program. The rules shall require the payment for each day of boarding to be based upon a uniform schedule based upon the average weekly earnings of the prisoner and upon the number of persons actually dependent upon the prisoner for their support. The payment may be less than, but shall not exceed, the actual cost of boarding the prisoner for a day.