Effective: May 13, 1980
Latest Legislation: House Bill 561 – 113th General Assembly
(A) The net proceeds arising from the sale of the property of a resident of a county home, under section 5155.23 of the Revised Code, shall be paid to the county treasurer, and by him placed to the credit of such person, to be paid out on the warrant of the county auditor, upon the order of the board of county commissioners. The superintendent or administrator of the county home shall open an account with the person and charge him with board, at a reasonable rate, and with items furnished for his exclusive use, which account shall be approved by the board.
(B) Personal funds received by a county home resident which are intended for the unrestricted use of the resident may be kept by the superintendent or administrator in such a manner that the resident shall have access to these funds at reasonable hours. The county home superintendent or administrator shall keep a complete record of the personal funds of each resident, including a listing of all deposits and withdrawals transacted. All deposits and withdrawals shall be substantiated by receipts.