The procedure for the filing and adjudication of claims is as follows:
I. The claimant shall first file the claim in writing with the agency involved.
II. When a claim has been filed with any agency, the head of the agency shall make or cause to be made a preliminary investigation and provide the attorney general with the results of such investigation.
III. Any person initiating a claim with the board under the provisions of RSA 541-B:9, II or III shall file the claim with the secretary of state, who shall forward the claim to the board.
IV. The secretary of state shall notify the agency, the attorney general, and the claimant of the next scheduled quarterly meeting of the board and of the pertinent information as to when the claim has been scheduled for a hearing. The claimant, attorney general, and agency shall have at least 10 days’ written notice of the date, time and place of the hearing.
V. When a claim is forwarded to the board by the secretary of state, the board shall schedule such claim for a hearing no later than the next succeeding quarterly meeting of the board, if the board has met in the current quarter or not enough time is left within said quarter to comply with the notice required pursuant to paragraph IV. Upon the request of any party, the board may continue any claim until a succeeding quarterly meeting in order that the party may perform necessary and adequate discovery.
VI. The claimant may represent himself or he may be represented by an attorney. The claimant may subpoena witnesses and compel their attendance, and also may require the production of books, papers and documents. The attorney general shall represent the agency.
VII. All hearings before the board shall be subject to the provisions of RSA 91-A.
Source. 1977, 595:2. 1985, 412:8, eff. July 3, 1985.