55800. (a) (1) As part of the ballot proposition to approve the imposition of a retail transactions and use tax pursuant to Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 7285) of Part 1.7 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, an authority established pursuant to Section 7285.5 of the Revenue and Taxation Code may seek authorization to issue bonds payable from the proceeds of the tax to finance capital outlay expenditures as may be provided for in the expenditure plan adopted pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 7285.5 of the Revenue and Taxation Code.
(2) If an authority established pursuant to Section 7285.5 of the Revenue and Taxation Code has obtained voter approval prior to the effective date of this chapter for the imposition of a retail transactions and use tax pursuant to Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 7285) of Part 1.7 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code and the issuance of bonds payable from the proceeds of the tax, that authority may issue bonds, refunding bonds, and bond anticipation notes pursuant to this chapter to finance capital outlay expenditures as may be provided for in the expenditure plan adopted pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 7285.5 of the Revenue and Taxation Code.
(3) If an authority established pursuant to Section 7285.5 of the Revenue and Taxation Code has obtained voter approval prior to the effective date of this chapter only for the imposition of a retail transactions and use tax pursuant to Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 7285) of Part 1.7 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, that authority may seek authorization to issue bonds pursuant to this chapter payable from the proceeds of the tax to finance capital outlay expenditures as may be provided for in the expenditure plan adopted pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 7285.5 of the Revenue and Taxation Code only if a resolution is adopted by two-thirds vote of the governing body of the authority and approved by a majority of the voters.
(b) The maximum indebtedness which may be outstanding at any one time shall be an amount equal to the sum of the principal of, and interest on, the bonds, but not to exceed the estimated proceeds of the tax, as determined by the plan. The amount of bonds outstanding at any one time does not include the amount of bonds, refunding bonds, or bond anticipation notes for which funds necessary for the payment thereof have been set aside for that purpose in a trust or escrow account.
(c) (1) A county authorized to levy, increase, or extend a transactions and use tax pursuant to Section 7285.5 of the Revenue and Taxation Code may issue bonds pursuant to this chapter, and for the purposes of this chapter shall be deemed an authority.
(2) The authorizations contained in this chapter shall apply to any tax levied, increased, or extended by a county pursuant to Section 7285.5 of the Revenue and Taxation Code on or after January 1, 2002.
(Amended by Stats. 2007, Ch. 504, Sec. 1. Effective October 11, 2007.)