560:1 Making; Account. –
The judge may make to the widow of the person deceased, intestate, or testate, a reasonable allowance out of the personal estate, for her present support; and, in the decree of distribution of the personal estate, the whole, or such part thereof as the judge may deem reasonable, shall be accounted as part of her distributive share; and shall be so accounted when she elects to take one third or one half of the real estate, under the provisions of RSA 560:10.
Source. RS 165:1, 2. 1844, 138:1. CS 175:1, 2. GS 183:1. GL 202:1. PS 195:1. PL 306:1. RL 359:1. 1949, 210:1. RSA 560:1. 1971, 179:19, eff. Aug. 10, 1971.