A. The legislature hereby finds and declares that:
(1) the high cost and lack of availability of industrial loans for small- and medium-sized businesses make it difficult for many of these industrial and agricultural enterprises in New Mexico to hold or increase their present employment levels, and, as a result of the continuing increase in construction costs and other expenses, the state suffers from structural economic weaknesses which contribute to chronic unemployment and underemployment;
(2) the lack of gainful employment puts added pressure on the state’s social programs and increases the cost of unemployment compensation to the existing enterprises of the state;
(3) the availability of financial assistance and suitable facilities is an important inducement to industrial, commercial and agricultural enterprises to remain and locate within the state; and
(4) it is an important function of government to increase opportunities for gainful employment and improved living conditions, assist in promoting a balanced and productive economy, encourage the flow of private capital for investment in productive enterprises and otherwise improve the prosperity, health and general welfare of the inhabitants of the state.
B. The legislature further finds and determines that:
(1) the establishment of an industrial and agricultural finance authority for the purpose of carrying out the powers granted in the Industrial and Agricultural Finance Authority Act is necessary to encourage and promote the provisions of productive facilities in areas of the state, especially in areas of high unemployment, where such facilities are needed to meet the aforesaid needs; and
(2) the advantages of this program to the general public would include an increase in the gainful employment of the citizens; a decrease in social services and unemployment compensation costs; an increase in the tax base of the state; an increase in the inventory of industrial, commercial and agricultural sites and modern industrial, commercial and agricultural buildings suitable to house new or expanding industrial, commercial and agricultural enterprises; and the expansion, reclamation or renovation of existing buildings to house new or expanding industrial, commercial and agricultural enterprises.
C. It is therefore expressly declared that the provisions of the Industrial and Agricultural Finance Authority Act and the powers conferred therein on the authority constitute a needed program in the public interest and serve a necessary and valid public purpose.
History: Laws 1983, ch. 300, § 2.