Effective: September 17, 2010
Latest Legislation: House Bill 449 – 128th General Assembly
Residents of veterans’ homes may be assessed a fee to pay a portion of the expenses of their support, dependent upon their ability to pay. Subject to controlling board approval, the director of veterans services shall adopt rules for determining a resident’s ability to pay. Each resident shall furnish the required statements of income, assets, debts, and expenses.
All fees contributed by the residents under this section shall be deposited into an interest-bearing account in a public depository in accordance with section 135.18 of the Revised Code. All of these fees shall be paid to the treasurer of state within thirty days after the end of the month of receipt, together with all interest credited to the account to date. The treasurer of state shall credit eighty per cent of these fees and of this interest to the Ohio veterans’ homes operating fund and twenty per cent of these fees and of this interest to the Ohio veterans’ homes fund.
The fee for each resident shall be based upon the level of care provided to the resident by the resident’s home. The director shall determine authorized levels of care for residents. The assessment for each resident shall not exceed the difference between the total per diem amount collected by the state for maintenance from all sources on the resident’s behalf and the average annual per diem cost for the resident’s maintenance, computed in accordance with veterans administration regulations.