A. No insurer shall be formed or authorized to transact insurance in this state which has or uses a name:
(1) the same as or deceptively similar to that of another insurer already so authorized; or
(2) deceptively similar to that of another insurer, other than a predecessor in interest, authorized to transact insurance in this state within the preceding ten (10) years if policies originally issued by such other insurer are still outstanding in this state; or
(3) the same as or deceptively similar to that of any insurer, or proposed insurer, not so authorized if such insurer has within the next preceding twelve (12) months signified its intention to secure an incorporation in this state under such name, or to do business as a foreign insurer in this state under such name, by filing notice of such intention with the superintendent, unless written consent to use of such name or deceptively similar name has been given by such insurer.
B. No insurer shall be so authorized which has or uses a name tending to mislead as to its type of organization.
C. In case of conflict of names between two insurers, or a conflict otherwise prohibited under this section, the superintendent may permit (or shall require as condition to issuance of an original certificate of authority to an applicant insurer) the insurer to use in this state such supplementation or modification of its name or such business name as may reasonably be necessary to avoid the conflict.
D. Except as provided in Subsection C, above, an insurer shall conduct its business in its own corporate or proper name.
E. Subsections A and C of this section shall not apply as to a corporation or insurer formed under [a] plan approved by the superintendent and court for rehabilitation of a domestic insurer pursuant to Article 41 [Chapter 59A, Article 41 NMSA 1978] (conservation, rehabilitation and liquidation) of the Insurance Code, or as to a corporation or insurer resulting from consolidation or merger, or acquisition of substantially all the assets and assumption of liabilities of another insurer through bulk reinsurance or otherwise, so long as the name used is [the] same as or similar to that of the predecessor corporation or insurer and is not in conflict with or deceptively similar to that of any other insurer then authorized or proposed (as provided in Subsection A(3) above) to transact insurance in this state. Subsections A and C shall not apply as to an insurer which is [a] subsidiary or affiliate of an authorized insurer and using name factors similar to those of the parent or insurer with which affiliated.
History: Laws 1984, ch. 127, § 81.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.