Notwithstanding sections 16A.013 to 16A.016, the secretary of state may accept funds contributed by individuals and may apply for grants from charitable foundations to be used for the address confidentiality program established in section 5B.03. In addition, the secretary of state may apply for grants from the federal government for purposes of the address confidentiality program. If the secretary of state accepts federal funds and the terms of the grant do not require the state to maintain its effort, section 3.3005 does not apply. If the secretary of state accepts federal funds and the terms of the grant do require the state to maintain its effort, section 3.3005 applies. The funds accepted under this section must be deposited in accounts in the special revenue fund and are appropriated to the secretary of state for use in the address confidentiality program. The secretary of state shall report by January 15 each year to the chairs and ranking minority members of the finance committees of the house of representatives and the senate with jurisdiction over the secretary of state the total amounts received in the preceding calendar year, the sources of those funds, and the uses to which those funds were or will be put. Any contributions from program participants must be aggregated, and the names of program participants must not be reported.
2013 c 142 art 3 s 9