A. Licenses issued by the division are not transferable.
B. Contractor’s licenses shall expire two years after the issuance date or as determined by the division, but in no instance less than one year, and shall be renewable upon application to the division and payment of the prescribed renewal fee; provided that nothing in this subsection shall prohibit the division from establishing a staggered system of license expiration and a procedure for proration of fees for licenses issued for less than the two-year period or other period provided by the division pursuant to this subsection.
C. Licenses shall expire upon the date established by regulation of the commission, such regulation to provide for a staggered system of license expiration and for proration of fees for licenses issued for less than a full year. Thereafter, such licenses shall be issued for a period of two years or as otherwise provided by the division pursuant to Subsection B of this section. Except as provided in Section 4 [60-13-14.1 NMSA 1978] of this 2021 act, licenses and certificates shall be subject to renewal upon application to the division and payment of the prescribed renewal fee.
D. Licensees and journeyman certificate holders may be required to complete and submit proof of continuing education as a prerequisite for renewal of a license. When required by rule adopted by the division, an applicant for a license renewal must submit with the application for license renewal proof of eight hours of instruction in code change and eight hours of instruction in other industry-related and division-approved subjects. The sixteen hours of continuing education must have been completed within the three years prior to the date of the license renewal application.
E. The director shall, at least thirty days prior to the expiration date of a license, notify the licensee of the approaching expiration. Notice shall be given by mail addressed to the licensee’s last address on file with the division. The notice shall include a renewal application form, instructions and any other information prescribed by the division.
F. Failure of a licensee to make application for the renewal of the licensee’s license, to furnish such other information required by the commission and, if required, to pay the prescribed renewal fee by the last working day prior to the expiration of the license shall cause the license to be suspended by operation of law.
G. Unless the license is renewed within a three-month period, it shall be canceled. The suspended license may be renewed only after payment of a fee equal to one dollar ($1.00) for each day, up to thirty days, that has elapsed since the expiration date of the license and thereafter for a fee equal to twice the amount of the renewal fee.
History: 1953 Comp., § 67-35-20, enacted by Laws 1967, ch. 199, § 20; 1969, ch. 224, § 8; 1977, ch. 245, § 180; 1983, ch. 105, § 10; 1987, ch. 283, § 3; 1989, ch. 6, § 17; 2007, ch. 56, § 1; 2021, ch. 92, § 6.
The 2021 amendment, effective June 18, 2021, provided for the waiver of license and certificate fees for military service members and veterans; in Subsection C, after “Subsection B of this section”, added “Except as provided in Section 4 of this 2021 act”, and after the next occurrence of “licenses”, added “and certificates”; and in Subsection F, after “required by the commission and”, added “if required”.
The 2007 amendment, effective June 15, 2007, added a new subsection authorizing the construction industries division to require continuing education for renewal of a contractor’s license.